1. the act of giving thanks; grateful acknowledgment of benefits or favors, esp. to god.
2. an expression of thanks, esp. to God.
3. a public celebration in acknowledgment of divine favor or kindness.
4. a day set apart for giving thanks to God.
As for the family I was born in to.... My Momma is my best girlfriend. We are so much alike that it is scary at times. I can cry my heart out to her about anything. I love to hang out with her every chance I get. I so wish they lived closer. My Daddy is just that...my Daddy. I definitely think of him like every little girl should think of her Daddy. He's my hero. He loves my Momma and works hard to take care of us. In my eyes, he can do anything. Seth, my sweet baby brother. I love the young man he has become. He is so sweet although I think he tries to hide that at times. He is so much fun to hang out with. I cherish the time I get to spend with him. I know that when God sees fit, he is going to make a wonderful husband.
The In-Laws.....That really isn't the right term. In-laws has such a negative connotations in today's world. I hear so many jokes and stories about how awful the in-laws are. I just feel sorry for those people and so thankful that God blessed with the perfect in-laws. They are my family. I love them dearly. Daddy & Momma Weaver are wonderful. They love me like one of their own. I could share story after story of times when they have made me feel loved.
I grew up with just the one brother. when I became Mrs. Weaver, I gained a whole big crew of brothers and sisters. And I LOVE it.
Andrew's oldest brother, Chris is married to Kerri. Kerri has two daughters, Kacie & Kaitlyn, and they have Kandace. They are a beautiful family that we enjoy hanging out with.
Andrew's older sister is Jayna. She is married to Tony. They have three kids, Jessica, Waylon, & Joylyn. They are such a sweet family. I think of them as the quiet ones. I'm not sure a quiet Weaver even exist, but they are as close as it gets. :) We don't get to see them nearly as often as we would like.
Last but not least is Cary. Cary is married to Sara and they have Jackson & Millie. Cary is probably Andrew's best friend. They are two years apart and as far as I can tell have always been close. Andrew really looks up to Cary. I can't tell you how many times we've been debating a decision about this or that and Andrew has called for Cary's opinion. Sara is a lot of fun too. And creative!!! That girl could make anything. Jackson and Millie....I miss getting to see them on a regular basis. Jackson is a hoot! Millie is just as sweet as she can be. She celebrated her 1st birthday today. Millie, Uncle Andrew and I wish we could have been there. We love you sweet girl!!