1. Andrew's parents were in town this weekend. We were able to show them around our little town and have dinner with them. They even did a little house shopping with us. I always enjoy the time we get to spend with them. I only wish they lived closer so that we could do it more often.
2. We have been discussing our options for housing. We are currently in a tiny little rent house. It's fine for the two of us, but not where we want to be long term. We thought we wanted to build. We have found land that we both LOVE. But lately we've been looking at homes. We found a craftsman house that we really like. That is the house Andrew's parents toured with us on Saturday morning. If only the price were right...
3. My mind has been completely consumed with classroom decorations. It is killing me that we don't have a Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or Target in our little town. I want to go shopping so bad I can't stand it. I was supposed to go to Little Rock today and planned to visit these stores and more, but my plans changed. Now I'm going crazy. I don't even have a shopping list yet or know what I want to do.
4. I'm also dying to go work in my room. That will probably have to wait a week or two since floors are being cleaned. I might try to stop by there in the next couple of days on my way home from workshops. I just like to sit in my room and take it all in. I've looked the pictures I snapped on my phone a thousand times.
5. One of the things I want in my classroom is chevron curtains. I haven't been able to find any that I could afford so I've been toying around with making my own. Now I just have to decide if I want to buy fabric or buy white curtains and paint my own chevron stripes. Anyone have any experience with this?
Friday Favorites
1 day ago
I saw on pinterest that someone used fabric shower curtains - and used ribbon to tie onto rod. I've seen some painted too - but have not done.