Saturday, December 16, 2017

Irish Football + The Windy City

Several months ago Andrew and I decided that we wanted to enjoy a Thanksgiving Vacation this year.  We began discussing destinations.

 If you have ever been privy to our vacation planning then you know we always discuss several destinations before settling on one.   There are a few ideas that seem to get discussed every time yet we still haven't settled on them.

Hawaii....I will always discuss that one until he takes me there.

A Cruise.

Leaving the country.

This year we Andrew settled on the first part of our destination pretty quickly.  He has been a Notre Dame fan for quite some time and decided it was time to knock something off his bucket list so he purchased tickets for us to see the Irish take on Navy.

Before we could get out of town, the LBs had to be taken care of.  I packed their food for a week, kissed them goodbye, and dropped them off at the kennel.

Friday Night

We packed our bags and then packed our bags again in a bigger suitcase.

Saturday morning we hopped on our first plane of the trip

We landed in Chicago, found our bags, grabbed the rental car, and headed to South Bend.

Notre Dame campus is beautiful!

As you can tell it was a little cold and rainy.
There are so many traditions that happen before the football game.  We would both like to go back to a game sometime and give ourselves more time to take part in all the traditions.

We were able to watch the trumpets play in the dome.  I LOVED this!  I had the biggest dumbest grin on my face the whole time.

The game was cold and wet but the Irish won and my husband loved  every minute of it so I'll call it a success.

After the game we did a little shopping in the bookstore.  It was by far the biggest campus bookstore I've ever seen.  There was enough apparel to make you feel like you were shopping in a Notre Dame Mall.

We made it back into Chicago just in time to grab a bite to eat and then head over to the John Hancock building to take in some gorgeous views of the city.

Our hotel was right next to the John Hancock building.

 Our room was TINY.  You opened the door and walked right into the bed.  But it was perfect for our one night stay.

Sunday morning as I was getting ready Andrew went downstairs to the lobby and bought us some donuts from Glazed and Infused.

Sunday was our only day in Chicago so we had a few things we wanted to cram into our day.  We started by heading toward the Shed Aquarium.  There was a NFL football game going on so we had the Uber drop us off a few blocks away.  We ended up walking those few blocks with a sweet family from Georgia.  They were headed to the Field Museum which was right next to the aquarium.

We hadn't been walking beside them very long when their little boy, probably 3 or 4, reach his little hand out to hold my hand.  His mom held one hand and I held the other as he walked.  He was so proud of his new blue gloves. :)  His mom and I visited while our husbands walked ahead of us visiting.  We walked like this until it came time to take separate paths and then we said goodbye to our new friends.

The Shed Aquarium was AWESOME!

We enjoyed the view of the city while eating up some food truck tacos before heading over to the Field Museum.

It was huge.  And that's really all I have to say about it.  It just wasn't our thing.  We did watch a 3D video about the Egyptians.  Andrew like it.  I liked what I saw of it but I may have fallen asleep.  Oops!

The one touristy thing I wanted to do while in Chicago was to take a picture in front of The Bean.

Touristy pictures in front of The Bean...Check

The Willis Tower was next on the list.

(Just noticed the lighting in this picture makes me look like I have lipstick all over my face. HA!)

The sun was setting and it was time to head to the airport.  Our second location was calling our  names.

We grabbed dinner at the airport and ended up sitting by this older gentleman.  Andrew and I were talking about cycling and he just chimed right in.  Turns out he was a competitive cyclist.  He's now retired and works loading luggage onto planes.  I'm not sure how long we sat there and visited with him.  We talked until it was time for all of us to head to our planes.

The plane...

I'm pretty sure Andrew would give the plane its own blog post, but since he isn't the one blogging...

The Boeing 787-8

Y'all I don't think I've ever seen my husband so excited!!

 Buckled in like I'm in a car...

 All the little pods

Recline those seats and relax

I don't ever want to fly any other way!

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