My blog is entitled Living Out His Plan? Are you doing that? Are you focused on God and what He wants for you? Are you okay with His plan, His provisions or do you want your own? I only ask because I'm not sure I like my answer to those questions. It seems like lately, meaning every day, God finds a way to ask me to come back to Him. I've definitely been taking my own path. It's like I want God in reach, but I'm not right beside Him holding His hand, you know?
What does it mean to live your life for God? What does it look like to be living out His plan? I am pretty confident that God has made me a teacher and that I'm at the school that He would have me be at. However, this past week or two I haven't exactly been thrilled with it. My students have definitely been trying my patience. I have forgotten to truly be thankful that not only do I have a job, but I have a job that I do actually enjoy and that I was made for.
Our money has been tight too lately, which is never fun. Just another thing that has shown me that my focus is all out of whack. I have a nice home, a nice car, a closet full of clothes, a new tv, a laptop with high speed interent,and much more. And these are only my material possessions. I wouldn't have any of it without God. He is the one that has provided it all. And yet I find myself thinking that it isn't enough, that I need more.
This week, Patter chose the word cross for her scrapbook Bible study. Wow! What a word. It is so powerful. My mind is flooded with thoughts when I hear the word cross. Thoughts that tell me I must be crazy for not living for my Lord. Thoughts that tell me it should be so easy to live out His plan. But, I'm just human and unfortunately sometimes I forget the power of the cross, the beauty of the cross, the mercy of the cross.
Thursday night at home group we were talking about how if for no other reason, God deserves our praise simply because he is God. Look at what he has done for us. Do you know? Jesus Christ gave up his life for me and for you. We sometimes look at the story and feel bad for him and view him as a victim. But Jesus was not a victim. He went willingly. You know there are some people in this world that I would die for, but I don't know if I would be willing to give up my life for a complete stranger or for someone who murdered someone else. But like I said, I'm human. I'm selfish and I have a tendency to rank sins even though I know that to Him they are all equally bad. Jesus went and died for all of us. For people who haven't even born yet. How awesome is that?????
I'm not sure if any of this even makes sense. I just know that lately I have been challenged and told to get my priorities straight. To get my focus where it should be - on things that will matter eternally. I challenge you to do the same. Take a look at your life. Is your focus where it should be? On the cross? If it isn't then please join me in the journey of refocusings.
Friday Favorites
1 day ago
Hi I love this because it is exactly what I go through on my path. The saying one moment at a time or one day at a time is so significant in my walk. Lately I have been not so much praying but just being quiet and listening to what God tells me. He leads me to areas in my life that I need to work on such as pride. I have a problem in that area which I have improved in but still need work. Reading your article is a blessing to me because I believe God leads us and you have been a messenger to me today. love your blog! God Bless, Kathie