A few more thoughts on hospitality.
1 Peter 4:8-10 says
8Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
I love that we have to be told to show hospitality without grumbling, without complaining. It is part of loving one another the way God would have us to love. I have to share my Wal-Mart story with you. Monday afternoon after my forever long post about hospitality and loving people even in Wal-Mart, I took off to Wal-Mart. I needed to get my oil-changed & tires rotated. Normally I prefer to go to Benton for this as they are much faster and friendlier. However, I need to buy groceries and I prefer to do that in Bryant so to Bryant I went. I pulled up to get my oil changed and the family in front of me needed to buy new tires. The girl working explained to them that they couldn't do anything with tires today because of scheduling or something. She sent to them to Benton. I quietly told them that Benton was better anyways. Well the girl working walks up, gives me a dirty look, and asked what I was whispering about. She asked if I knew those people. I said no just making conversation. :) I tell her I need my oil changed and my tires rotated. She just laughed at me. And trust me you aren't getting from this post how odd this girl is. Anyways, I said can't rotate tires? She said no and I said that's fine, I'll just take the oil change. This whole time I am standing by my car with the car running and no one else in it. There is only person behind me. She asked which car was mine!! Are you kidding me? Obviously it is the empty car I got out of (she watched) and am now standing beside. She asks her few questions and then asked if the keys were in my car. Well, yeah it's running isn't it? I'm a littler perturbed with her at this point in case you can't tell.
I get out of there and go buy my groceries. I have produce in my cart so I know that I cannot check out in the automotive department, but I want to make sure my car is ready before I do check out. So I'm waiting my turn to ask her when she picks up my avocados like they are some sort of disease infected item and says I can't check out there because of those and then throws them back into my cart. I said I knew that I just wanted to make sure my car was ready. It was so I went to check out and walk around to get my car.
So now I'm back in line at the automotive, when it hits me. I was just talking about hospitality and I have done nothing like that to this girl. I immediately started praying that God would allow me to love this girl the same he does. I reminded myself that God loves her just as much as he loves me. Please help me be patient and friendly to her. Then it is my turn. She notices this scrapbooking punch card on my key chain and asks me about whether or not the place is still open. BAM!!! instant bond - we immediately start talking about scrapbooking. God is amazing.
I started off grumbling, but gave it to God and found a common interest with this girl. I saw her with different eyes.
So...the next time you find yourself in a situation similar to mine, I strongly encourage you to pray.
Friday Favorites
1 day ago
I love your story here. This happens to me so much at Walmart. and God always intervenes somehow. God places people in our paths sometimes just to make up grow in patience. This is an area where I so need to work on. Great story, it ministered to me. Kathie