Friday, May 17, 2019

Friday Favorites

It's Friday!!

And it's not just any Friday.

Today was my last day of school.

I'm officially on summer break.


I'm linking up with Erika, Narci, and  Andrea to share a few favorites today.

One of my favorite ways to relax after work is to spend some time coloring in my bullet journal.  I know I'm a little late to this band wagon, but let me tell you I am fully on board!  I am enjoying it way more than I ever thought I would.

I've also been on a reading kick lately.  I plan to spend a ton of time reading this summer, hopefully by the pool.  I recently bought a ton of books at a sale put on by the county library, but if you have any recommendations I'm definitely open to suggestions.  Here are a few of my favorite reads from the year so far.

The weather lately has been my favorite.  I feel like winter lasted forever.  I'm so happy to be warm and to have the sun shining again.  At least once a week after dinner we go out to our land and walk the place.  It has easily become our favorite past time.

The Bible Memory app is one of my new favorite tools for memorizing scripture.  I try to  work through my memory verses each night, but that doesn't always happen.  This app has been very helpful in memorizing though.  I use the free version and that works just fine for me.

So now tell me what are some of your current favorites?  

1 comment:

  1. You need to read sometimes I lie by Alice feeny it is so good! I just finished it for the second time!
