Saturday, September 14, 2019

Whales and Pastries

Have you ever been whale watching?

Let me just tell you it was one of the most majestic things I've ever done.

It brought me to tears to watch these beautiful creatures.

I was reminded of how amazing our God is and the vast variety of living creatures that he spoke into existence.

I knew it would be cool to see a whale in its natural habitat.

I had no idea I would love it so much.

And I'm glad I did because let me tell you the ride out wasn't exactly warm and pleasant.

This was us sitting in the harbor waiting to depart.

And this is us after departing.  LOL!

Can you tell I was cold?

We eventually gave up and went inside.

If you ever go whale watching, just know you won't miss the whales by staying warm inside.

The boat will stop when whales are in the area.  That's when you go outside.

I don't feel like we were very successful in getting good pictures, but Andrew did get some good video.  Honestly I was too in awe to take pictures.  Every time a whale would come to surface I would tear up and look at Andrew to make sure he was seeing it.

It was awesome.  If you ever get the chance to go whale watching, do it.  I can't recommend it enough.

By the time we got back to the harbor we were starving. I thought I found a pizza place for us, but it wasn't exactly what we had in mind for pizza.

But they had delicious chicken parm sandwiches that we devoured.

After stuffing ourselves I was ready for a nap, but there was no time for that.

I was just starting to enjoy a car nap when it was time for our next adventure.

Sometimes we visit places and I think "I would love to live here."

Sometimes we visit places and I think "I could live here."

And then sometimes we visit Boston.

I was disappointed with our visit to Boston.  Maybe it was because I was so tired and in need of a real nap.  Maybe it was because we didn't do any official tours.  Maybe it was because historic landmarks have been turned into modern day places of service like Chipotle. 

I'm not sure.  I just know Boston was not my favorite.

As we walked around town Andrew kept talking about some cannoli he had years ago when visiting Boston with Stuart.  Oh this cannoli.  You'd think it was manna from Heaven.

We went back through his facebook posts trying to figure out where they had eaten them.

And then...

Then we found the cannolis.

And all was right in the world of Andrew Weaver.

There was nothing left to do but go back to camp and enjoy a fire.

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