Monday, June 6, 2011

Miscellany Monday: Number Style

Miscellany Monday @ lowercase letters

I'm sitting working on an assignment for the 2011/2012 school year. A little ahead of myself? Probably. :) I just a new school year...a fresh start. A chance to improve myself as a teacher. Very few things make me giddier (is that a word?).

So anyway... the assignment is a short paragraph where they tell me about themselves in numbers. I figured it's an easy way for me to get to know my students at the beginning of the year. I did a search to see if I could find any similar assignments. I need a little inspiration to ramp it up to a 7th grade level. During my search I came across a blog post that gave me an idea for a blog post of my own.

So here we go.

{ONE} I have ONE God! He is the ONE true God. My desire to serve Him and live whole heartedly for Him has been growing lately. It's an area of my life I would appreciate you prayers in. Being willing to obey no matter what can be a little scary.

{TWO} I love my TWO furbabies. I never thought I could love TWO dogs as much as I do these TWO. They are sweet and cuddly and wild and crazy. Life just wouldn't be the same without them.

{THREE} THREE of us are going to Destin later this month. It's a girl's trip. I can't wait to be on the beach with my girlfriends, laughing and sharing and shopping!

{FOUR} I have been to Zumba FOUR times. I LOVE IT! It truly is fun exercise. I think everyone should try it.

{FIVE} As of Wednesday I will have completed my FIFTH year of teaching. How crazy is that! My first group of students just graduated last month. It doesn't seem possible. I can't even begin to fathom teaching my student's children some day. WILD!!

{SIX} We have lived in our house for SIX years. I remember when we bought this house. The husband said he only wanted to be here for a couple of years. SIX years later... We are ready to move. Hopefully within the next year our house will be on the market and we will be OUT OF HERE!!

{SEVEN} I have been married to the husband for a little more than SEVEN years! I am blessed beyond measure to be his wife. Though we may butt heads from time to time, I love him more than I ever thought I could love someone. He is my best friend!

{EIGHT} I was born in the EIGHTH month of the year. I like having my birthday in August. Good month to be born in.

{NINE} I have spent well over NINE minutes trying to come up with something for the number NINE. And still nothing! Stinkin' number NINE!

{TEN} TEN months from now a coworker and I are taking a group of 7th and 8th graders to Washington D.C. for four days. Are we crazy? Maybe, but they are super excited. I'm really looking forward to it. They are already making plans for room arrangements and plane seats. Don't you love their priorities?

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