Thursday, November 2, 2017

Never Have I Ever Food Edition

Those who know me even a little bit know that I'm a tad bit picky about food.  Okay I'm a whole lot picky about food.  Andrew and I have had many conversations over a dinner table that sound something like...

Andrew: Try this.

Me: No.  I don't like that.

Andrew: Have you ever even had it?

More times than not my response is No I haven't tried it but I know I don't like it.  

Seems like a fair response to me.  I've never been shot either and I don't need to be to know it would hurt.

And that's definitely an equal comparison.

Being shot and eating food.


Anyway...snack time with my students got me to thinking about foods I've never eaten that every other human on the planet has had at one point or another.

This list is long but since I know you probably have better things to do than read about food I've never eaten but will claim I don't like, I narrowed it down to ten for you.

Never Have I Ever Eaten....

1. Poptarts
2. Vegetable Soup
3. Twinkies
4. Dressing
5. Meatloaf
6. S'mores (Yet I like the individual ingredients)
7.  Oatmeal
8. Waffles 
9. Onion Rings
10. Ketchup

What's something you've never eaten?


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