Thursday, January 18, 2018

8 Weeks 5 days and our 1st Doctor Appointment

We had our first prenatal appointment with the doctor today.  It was supposed to be Tuesday but my doctor's office was closed for the day due to snow.  I was a little disappointed but I don't think I was nearly as disappointed as some of our family members.

Sweet Baby, you are already so incredibly loved.  Everyone is so excited to hear updates about you all the time.  I am constantly receiving text asking about you and how I'm feeling.  I think my favorite text has come from one of Andrew's best friends.  Shaun and I text twice a year on each other's birthdays to say Happy Birthday.  So when out of the blue I received a text from him asking how I was feeling it absolutely made my day.

I know without a doubt that if the ultrasound room was big enough we could have easily packed it full of friends and families. I had wanted Andrew to video the appointment, especially the heartbeat so we could share with everyone.  But it all happened so fast.  I think we were both in shock.

I'll get back to the ultrasound.

The first thing we did was talk about insurance and what this portion of our bill is going to be.

The proud daddy crunching numbers while we wait on our ultrasound.

I had been feeling all the emotions on the drive to my appointment.  I cried just thinking about hearing the heartbeat.  I was scared we wouldn't hear a heartbeat.  I was excited.  I was nervous.  I was all the feelings.

By the time I walked into the ultrasound room and she begin looking for Baby I was just in shock at it all I think.  I couldn't speak.  I couldn't even really comprehend all that was going on.  A thousand thoughts were running through my head all at once. 

"Is that the baby?"

"What's taking her so long?"

"What's Andrew thinking right now?"

"What do those numbers mean?"

Just to name a few of those thoughts.

Suddenly we heard the most amazing sound in the world.

Sweet Baby's heartbeat.

180 perfect beats per minute.

I felt a few tears roll down my check.

I could hear Andrew beside me sniffling.

And then as quickly as the sound began it ended.  

She told us Baby measured one day off from what we thought so my doctor probably wouldn't change my due date.

It was the fastest moment ever.

I was so much in shock that I couldn't fully take it all in.  

They then ushered us into another room to wait for my doctor to come talk to us.  It was then as we were waiting that it began to sink in.  We had a moment of crying.

And then we wiped our tears and took what will forever be one of my favorite selfies of all time.

Weaver: Party of 3!!

The first thing my doctor said when he walked in the room was that I had chosen a large specimen to have a baby with.  And then he asked Andrew how tall he is and if he was a big baby.  LOL!

We spoke with my doctor for awhile talking about all the big things that will happen over the next several months.  He asked if I had any questions for him and I couldn't think of a single one.  And it was during that conversation that my husband and  my doctor gained up on me and pretty much forced me to get a flu shot.  My first ever!  All for that sweet little babe.

And if that one poke wasn't enough I then had to have blood work done.  

I also signed my name a few dozen times today.  I'm sure that's only the beginning.

Baby is the size of a: Raspberry and is growing fingers and toes this week.  This gives me all the heart eyes.

Total Weigh Gain: I've actually lost a couple of pounds at this point.

Maternity Clothes: Is 8 weeks too early for maternity pants?  Maybe it was living in my pajamas for two weeks over Christmas break followed by a five day weekend thanks to snow days or maybe its pregnancy, but I'm currently hating jeans or any pants that button for that matter.  My sweet sister in law has saved her maternity clothes for me.  I'm looking forward to going through all of her things.  She has great style.  Something tells me I won't have to buy anything new.   

Sleep: Yes please!  My new nightly routine involves me being in bed by 7 and fast asleep by 8.  I usually wake up around midnight to use the bathroom and then I fall right back asleep.  You would think I would spring right out of bed in the morning after going to sleep so early, but you would be wrong.  I have such a hard time getting up in the morning.  I just want to keep snoozing.  The only thing that gets me out of bed is some serious hunger.

Cravings & Aversions:  Not really had any of either.  As far as cravings go, I haven't really craved anything specific, but I will say some things sound better to me than others.  It's easier for me to make up my mind about what I want for dinner.  No aversions either other than food in general sometimes.

Symptoms: Toward the end of week 5 I started feeling nauseous during the day.  I'm still feeling that occasionally, but mostly I'm just HUNGRY ALL THE TIME!!  I feel like I've gone days or even weeks without food.  I will eat a full meal and then ten minutes later I'm starving again.  Most of the time I have no problem eating, but sometimes I start eating and suddenly food just isn't appealing to me.  This is normally when I've waited too long to eat.

I was also having headaches at night during weeks 5 & 6.  Every night around 7:00 I would get a horrible headache and need to lay down in the dark.  I'm thankful those seem to have disappeared.

I've prayed for all of this for so long that I refuse to complain about any of it, but at the same time I want to honestly share about my pregnancy.  Basically right now I have a love/hate relationship with it all.  I'm loving every minute of knowing there is a little baby growing inside of me and I love that I feel crummy all the time because it means that little baby is growing healthy and strong.  But  I'm ready to no longer feel like I'm starving all the time.

Movement: I cannot wait for this!!

Missing:  The feeling of being full after a good meal.

Best Moment This Week: Hearing that heartbeat and getting our first pictures of Baby.

Best Daddy Moment This Week: He instantly shared with family about our ultrasound.  I'm talking before we were even out of the room he was sharing.  And crying.  I love his big heart!

Looking Forward To: I'm looking forward to having a baby bump and  sharing the news with my students.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad things are going well! I'm also glad you got the flu shot, it's so bad in our area right now it's ridiculous and you being a teacher just makes your chances greater of getting it. I'm continually praying for a happy healthy 9 months for you. My official vote on the gender is girl btw.
