Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Telling my Students about Baby

The day after my doctor's appointment - so almost 1.5 weeks ago - I told my students that I was having a baby.

I thought about a few different ways of telling them but it all seemed so awkward to me.

I finally decided to just hang my ultrasound pictures up with all my other pictures and see how long it took them to notice and say something.

I predicted two things would happen.

1. It would take forever for them to notice.
2. Once one class noticed they would tell everyone else.

Well..in true 7th graders fashion they proved me wrong on both accounts.

I had car duty that morning and my first class noticed the pictures before I ever got inside.

They kept quiet about it and let the other classes discover for themselves.

Every single class saw them almost immediately.

It was so fun to watch their faces as they saw the pictures.  They would look at the pictures and then look at me and back and forth.  Their sweet little faces as they realized what they were looking at and then got the nerve to ask if I was pregnant was the most fun thing ever.  

One girl volunteered to babysit and be Baby's godmother.

One girl obviously doesn't know the whole story but knows I've wanted a baby for a long time.  She has a family member who has struggled with infertility.  She cried when she found out.  

They all had name suggestions which coincidentally happen to be the same as their names.

Some of my favorite things that they asked/said...

Is it a boy or a girl?

When did you find out?

What?  You've known since Christmas and you are just now telling us?

So you will be gone this year? (I love that this made them sad.)

We won't be here when you have the baby? (This also made them sad.)

Does Mr. Weaver know? (this might be my most favorite!)

How did it happen?  (This was actually an innocent question.  He was trying to ask how I found out.)

Can we have a party where you tell us if its a girl or boy?

If your baby develops autism I bet it will be high functioning like me.

How are you feeling? (I have a few that ask this every single day.)

I see your baby bump.

Maybe it's twins.

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