Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Travel, Toys, & Things

I used to love watching The Newlywed Game.  Andrew would come home from work and I would ask him some of my favorite questions from that day's show.  I'm sure he loved it.  Ha!

I've quit watching the show but I still like to ask him random Question of The Day questions.  

I thought it would be fun to share some questions and answers with you.

QUESTION #1: If you had to live in one of the places we've visited on vacation which one would be your first choice?

Andrew: Probably Charleston

Elaina:  Denver I think.  I really enjoyed our time there and I love the snow.  

QUESTION #2: If you inherited ten million dollars, what would you buy first (after all the bills/debt were paid off)?

Andrew: Tickets for us on a world cruise.

Elaina:  I'd buy an RV and we'd take a long vacation traveling across the US going everywhere we've always wanted to go.

(Great minds think alike.  We like traveling together.)

QUESTION #3: What is your least favorite think about travel?

Andrew: Other Travelers

Elaina:  Definitely flying.  It is slightly scary to me and it makes me sick.

QUESTION #4: What was your favorite toy growing up?

Andrew: Legos

Elaina:  Probably my chalkboard and then whiteboard.  I've always been a teacher. :)

QUESTION #5: If you could medal in an Olympic sport, what sport would you participate in?

Andrew: I think it has to be 100m sprint.  That's the fastest man in the world.

Elaina:  Gymnastics for sure.  I've always wanted to be able to flip across the floor like that.  


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