I'm finally sharing our Christmas card with you. I wanted to wait until they were mailed out and then time just got away from me.
I've already posted about how photo shoot #1 was a complete disaster.
I was trying my hardest not to be too picky about our photos. The husband was being extremely cooperative and I didn't want him to get irritated with my being too picky.
After one bad photo shoot I decided funny was the way to go. I figured I would be more easily pleased if were were going for goofy and not serious.
That night after we had finished the bad photo shoot, I was out grabbing dinner which led me to drive by Goodwill. An idea hit me. We had cheesy Christmas sweaters for the dogs already, we just need some for the husband and I.
I came home and shared my idea with the husband. He liked it. So off we went shopping for cheesy, ugly Christmas sweaters. That turned into something slightly different.
Our card makes us smile and I'm happy with how it turned out. So without further ado here it is....
Sorry for the poor quality. I can't figure out to save it from the site
A funny story. We were out prop shopping and we had saved the pipe for last. We didn't know where to buy one, but figured we could get one at a tobacco store. Neither one of us had ever been in such a store before. The two in our town were both closed. It was between 7 and 7:30 on a Saturday night. The husband was driving around and I was searching for tobacco stores on my phone. There was one in the next town over about 15 minutes away. I decided to call before we drove out there. My first question was concerning their closing time. I then proceed to ask the lady, "Do you sell pipes?" She said in a strange voice..."We sell smoking pipes for smoking tobacco...." I thanked her and got off the phone. I was describing the strange way in which she answered my question to the husband. I was totally clueless. He just looked at me and said, "They probably thought you were wanting a crack pipe." HA! Never even occurred to me. :)
Essential Jackets
16 hours ago
This is GREAT!!! You're so creative! FUN FUN FUN! :)