I have to take this time to let the whole world know just how great my hubby is. This week he has gone back to his normal shift at work which means he is supposed to be there at 7AM. I love this because it means he gets home at a reasonable time (5:30ish). The past two days he has gotten up and showered before me. Then he fixes the two of us breakfast and comes and wakes me up. Yes ladies, I've had breakfast in bed two days in a row. He acts like it is nothing because my breakfast is a bowl of cereal and a glass of chocolate milk. But babe, this little thing you've done the past two days has been incredibly special. Do you cook an elaborate breakfast? No, you do something even better. You take the time to think of me. But I must say after two days I'm spoiled. :) I could definitely get used to this.
Change of subject... Remember back in December & January when my student council participated in a local TV station's Stuff the Sleigh contest? We collected toys for children in our area and decorated a POD. We won the decorating portion of the contest and were awarded Breakfast with Tom, the weather guy. It was a lot of fun so when one of the members came to me about Tom's latest contest, I signed us up. This time we have collected cereal. The contest ended Friday and for the past two days I've had 461 boxes of cereal sitting in my room. I've barely been able to get to my desk. PODS came by today to pick up the cereal. They informed us that we had A LOT of cereal. So much in fact that just by looks they thought we would take 1st or 2nd place for middle school. We are so excited. I am taking four students (the top cereal bringer for each grade) to a Wrap-Up party Thursday morning. We will be eating breakfast with Tom at Golden Corral from 5-7AM. This means I will be making my 2nd TV debut. They will announce the winners at breakfast. Crossing our fingers that we win. If we do we get breakfast with Tom again at the Weather Garden at the station.
And now for a tag. Jennifer tagged me for this 8 Things thing. So here it goes.
Here are the instructions for 8 Things:
* Mention the person that tagged you
* Complete the list of 8 things
* Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends
* Go tell them you tagged them
8 Things I look forward to:
*June 2 - Summer Vacation
*Teaching Social Studies next year
*Meeting Baby Averitt & Baby Weaver in November
*My own Babies - I look forward to every part of this - getting to tell my hubby and my mom & dad, watching Drew be a daddy, being a mommy, - the whole shabang
* My scrapbook desk finally being finished
* Sundays
* Seth & Ashlee's wedding
* Reach the final step of Dave Ramsey's Financial Plan
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
Made breakfast
*Had breakfast in bed with my hubby
*Laughed at my students' performances
*Hot bath
*Watched TV
*Read my book
*Gave a Science Test
*Finished Ashlee's birthday present
8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
*Buy a new wardrobe
*Go on the Newlywed Game
*Disney world with my fam and Andrew's fam
*Have the ultimate classroom
*Go to Hawaii with my hubby (without flying would be even better)
*Send my hubby to New York for Shaun's wedding
*Know what my furbabies are thinking :)
8 Shows I Watch:
*Newlywed Game
*How I Met Your Mother
*Jon and Kate + 8
*18 and Counting
*Reba (reruns)
*Gilmore Girls (reruns)
*Friends (reruns)
Now I tag.... all of you!! Go ahead and play. I look forward to reading your answers.
St. Patrick's Day Doodle Town
15 hours ago